Monday, May 11, 2009

Poker Face

The kids and I went to a craft store over the weekend. I bought a plain white mask for my son to paint. My daughter put the mask on and I took her picture then I manipulated the photo in Photoshop. I really liked the final piece.

Quote of the day: The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace - Romans 8:6


Kiosco Salo Concepción said...


Saludos desde Concepción, Chile.

Luis Roco C.
Kiosco Salo Concepción

Christopher said...

"Art for autism." I like it. I very much support autism awareness, more recently because my school has. But paint and photography are interesting ways to help. I'm eager to see more research for autism because a family friend of ours has autism, ADHD, and OCD.